Lynda Lynn Haupt: MOZART’S STARLING 2
音楽泥棒 3つのルート
……Meredith West argues in her seminal 1990 paper that Star could already sing the motif when Mozart bought him in the shop. She relies heavily on the evidence provided in what we know of Mozart’s little expense book combined with her research on the nature of starlings:
Given our observation that whistled tunes are altered and incorporated into mixed themes, we assume that the melody was new to the bird because it was so close a copy of the original. Thus, we entertain the possibility that Mozart, like other animal lovers, had already visited the shop and interested with the starling before 27 May. Mozart was known to hum and whistle a good deal. Why should he remain in the presence of a bird that seems to elicit such behavior so easily?
When I spoke to Dr. West recently, nearly thirty years after the publication of her paper, she told me that she still feels this is the most likely way for events to have unfolded. (pp.138 to 139)
My own imagined tale, recounted at the beginning of this book, is a variation on West’s theme. Here Star has learned the motif before purchase, but Mozart did not teach the bird his tune. Instead, he was drawn into the shop by the sound of the bird singing it, as if following the fragrance of a fresh baked Viennese plum cake. This, too, is possible. The bird catcher’s stall was almost certainly on the Graben, a vital commercial district bustling with shoppers and musicians day and night. Mozart composed the concerto when living at 29 Graben, the apartment’s windows just above the string of markets and sellers of all kinds. He was still copying the musical the music over in May, when the window would have open to the spring air after a dust-setting rain and the musical strains might have filtered out into the world and perhaps into a starling’s little ear. (p.141)
But scholarship that surfaced since the publication of West’s paper suggest another, more plausible way by which Star could have gleaned the tune before Mozart met him. We now suspect that the concerto might have had a somewhat earlier public debut at a prestigious concerto with Emperor Joseph II in attendance at the beautiful Kärntnertor Theater (now the footprint of the famous Hotel Sacher) on April 20. This would be in line with Mozart’s typical eagerness to place a piece before the public, even if the ink on the pages wasn’t quite dry. It would not even have been the newest work by Mozart performed that night, for the evening’s program was ordered in part to feature the virtuoso violinist Rogina Strinasacchi. ……
It is now cautiously believed by many scholars that the Piano Concerto in G debuted publicly this night as well, also with Mozart at the piano. It would certainly have given the tune a chance to get out on the street before Mozart met and bought Star. The theater was just ten-minutes or so walk from the district where the bird catcher’s shop likely stood, down a cobbled street past the Hofburg Palace at the end of the Graben (near the current opera house).
And the vector from performance hall to starling? The famous whistler of Vienna, of course–––the everyday street-walking people who in the surrounding music and then whistled it back out again. Humming and whistling filled the street of eighteen-century Vienna.