内田清之助 『野鳥物語』
内田清之助 『野鳥物語』 現代教養文庫 昭和37年刊
椋鳥の北米移入については、先日Lynda Lynn HauptのMOZART’S STARLINGを読んでいて、もう少々詳しく知ることができた。モーツァルトのピアノ協奏曲との関係について別稿でこの本を取り上げる予定であるが、ここでは、椋鳥の移入についての記述を引用したい。Haupt女史は鳥類学者であり、さすがにその経緯についての説明は詳しい。
Regarding the presence of starlings in North America, some blame Shakespeare. In the 1800s, “acclimatization society” began to form across the country, following successful models in France. It was a vulnerable time for many newcomers to America, who were homesick and hungry for the arts, literature, flowers and birds of their homeland. The aim of the society would be “interesting and useful” to the seemingly deprived New World species that would offer aesthetic and sentimental inspiration through beauty and song.
Lynda Lynn Haupt MOZART’S STARLING Little, Brown Spark
Eugene Schieffelin was a pharmacist who lived in the Bronx. He was an eccentric, an Anglophile, and a Shakespeare aficionado. Some say he was also an ecological criminal and a lunatic, but I would argue for a gentler description; perhaps “flawed.” As deputy of the American Acclimatization Society of New York, Schieffelin, it is believed, latched onto the personal goal of bringing every bird mentioned in the work of Shakespeare to Central Park. Armed with his treasured copy of the exquisite Ornithology of Shakespeare, an 1871 volume in which James Harting assembled every allusion to birdlife in the world of the Shakespeare canon, Schieffelin zeroed in on the Bard’s single reference to a starling, in Henry IV. It is a decisive scene: King Henry commands that the willful soldier Hotspur free his prisoner, but Hotspur replies that he will do nothing of the kind until the king agrees to pay the ransom that will free Hotspur’s brother-in-law Mortimer from the enemy. The king flies into a fury and forbids him to mention Mortimer’s name. After the king’s exit, Hotspur imagines a fanciful retribution, and here enters our star:
He said he would not ransom Mortimer;
Fobad my tongue to speak Mortimer;
But I will find him when he lies asleep.
And in his ear I’ll holloa, “Mortimer!”
I’ll have a starling shall be taught to speak
Nothing but “Mortimer,” and give in him
To keep his anger still in motion.
その中で現れたのが半ば「狂人」のシェッフェリンなる男、シェークスピア狂でもあった。American Acclimatization Society of New Yorkの代理委員でもあった彼は、シェークスピアの作品に出てくる鳥を集めたハーティングの著書Ornithology of Shakespeareに依り、新世界にいないすべての鳥を英国から移入することを目標に設定する。彼はその中でも、たった一度だけヘンリー四世でのホットスパーの一言にでてくるだけの「椋鳥」に照準を合わせる。
Shakespeare was attentive to birdlife; larks. nightingales, and chaffinches wing and sing their way through the plays and sonnets, and in his unique Ornithology, Harting cataloged every one and quoted the lines in which they appear. The acclimatization societies did in fact try to bring in many of these species, but with the obsessive powers of a true eccentric, Schiellelin fixated on this one slender reference to the staling. Introductions of Shakespearean chaffinches, nightingales, and skylarks, and earlier efforts by Schiefflin to establish starlings, had resulted in nothing but cold, starved dead birds. Eugene resolved that his next starling attempt would not fail.
In 1890, he paid out a princely sum from his private stores (surely enough to satisfy ransom) to purchase eighty starlings from English source, and he perhaps laid out a bit extra to ensure that they would be well tended on their long journey to the New York port, where Schieffelin met them in person, enlisting help from his houseman to carry their crates. He released his bewildered birds on a snowy March day in the middle of Central Park. I think of him there―gloved, worried, flush with hope and an honest, if misguided, love. The release could not have been all he’d envisioned. The birds would have been tentative in the cold and the snow, perching uncertainly in the leafless maples. This was not the romantic bursting into flight that Schieffelin had surely imagined. But eventually the bird lifted into the gray winter skies. Genetic research in sample population across the continent leads ornithologists to believe that all of the two hundred million―some starlings in North America, including my little Carmen, are descendants of Schieffelin’s birds. (It’s interesting to note that our starlings have quantifiably less genetic variation than starlings in their native European range, This is in line with what evolutionary biologists call the “founder effect,” in which the number of animal introduced―in this case, Schieffelin’s eighty-odd birds―is not enough to contain the genetic variation of the original population.)